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Oganes E. Dilanyan
Urologist, MD, PhD

Patients testimonies from www.prodoctorov.ru

Dr. Dilanyan performed a varicocele surgery on me in August 2018, and I immediately started to recover very well. In just a couple of days I was fully back on track, with the path he mapped out before my surgery - walking, travelling, work, etc.
I felt complete confidence in his skills as a surgeon, and in his ability to bring with him a high caliber team. I am grateful to have been under his care, would not hesitate to recommend him strongly to others considering surgical treatment, and would be happy to talk with his patients to share my experiences.. He was what you hope to find in a surgeon – professional, knowledgeable and caring. I will forever be grateful to Dr. Dilanyan for giving me my health back.


United States
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
Connected disease: 
Лечение варикоцеле
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